Even before the National Green
Tribunal’s knee jerk crack on polluting vehicles, the NGT passed a far more
absurd sultani farman, on February 17, 2015 banning street vendors
and cycle rickshaws from select areas in Delhi on the ground that “such
offenders add to the pollution of environment and degrade the air quality to
the extent which is very injurious to human health, they should be liable to
pay compensation in terms of section 15 of the NGT Act 2010.”
By what stretch of imagination can
cycle rickshaws and vending carts be accused of causing air pollution?
Cycle rickshaws are in fact the most eco-friendly modes of short distance
transport. They don’t consume petrol or diesel nor do they cause sound
pollution. A rickshaw charges a fraction of what a taxi would charge for
same commute. Similarly, mobile street vendors use non motorized
carts to carry items of daily necessity – such as fruits, vegetables and other
household goods – to the doorstep of the consumer. They save us time and
money as well as the bother of having to go on motor vehicles for buying daily
requirements from crowded markets where parking is a nightmare. Since
their overhead costs are low, hawkers sell goods at lower prices than charged
in established shops. They use mainly natural light and hence save on
power. By contrast, regular stores use fans, coolers, ACs in addition to
numerous lights to ensure better display of goods.
MANUSHI has battled for nearly
two decades to convince authorities that cycle rickshaws and street vendors
deserve to be encouraged if we want to control carbon emissions.
Unfortunately, municipal policies in
all cities and town of India have kept street vendors and cycle rickshaws
trapped in a web of illegality through restrictive licensing policies.
This makes them easy targets of clearance operations and confiscation drives–
which are used by the police, municipal authorities and politicians to extort
hundreds of crores by way of bribes.
In response to public hearings
organized by MANUSHI, the then Prime Minister Vajpayi had announced a new
rational market friendly policy for street vendors and cycle rickshaws in
August 2001.
But Vajpayis’s colleagues in the BJP
worked hard to sabotage implementation of that policy. However, MANUSHI persisted
and managed to wrest from the NDA government a National Policy for Street
Vendors in 2004 even though the government made no attempt to actually
implement it. It took another ten years before the UPA enacted the Street
Vendors Protection of Livelihood Act in 2014. It has many weaknesses but
it at least mandates that vendors cannot be evicted arbitrarily. Instead,
they be given and given secure places in duly designated hawking zones.
Since it has not been implemented on any scale street vendors are still hostage
to extortion rackets.
The cycle rickshaw battle went
through another route. Frustrated by resistance of the concerned
authorities to dismantle the License Quota Raid Raj as envisaged in PM
Vajpayee’s new policy, MANUSHI approached the High Court of Delhi in
2007 challenging the many lawless and unconstitutional provisions governing the
operation of cycle rickshaws which enabled the police and municipal employees
to confiscate and destroy cycle rickshaws at will. Every year at least
60,000 rickshaws were being destroyed and many more released after paying hefty
fines and bribes.
On 10 February 2010, the Delhi High
Court declared the existing rickshaw policy as unconstitutional and struck down
unrealistic quotas for licensing. It prohibited confiscation and destruction of
rickshaws and ordered chief secretary Delhi Government to constitute a Special
Task Force to decide on a new policy that treats NMVs as an integral part of
road traffic by providing “equitable” road space for them. I was a member of
that Task Force headed by the then chief secretary Rakesh Mehta who did a great
job of finalizing in record time a new policy and legislative framework for
NMVs. However, the police and municipal authorities were perverse enough
to challenge it in the Supreme Court which fortunately fully upheld the High
Court order.
Since then it has been an uphill and
frustrating battle to get the new policy implemented which requires open
registration of NMVs as well as dedicated tracks for NMVs and proper footpaths
for pedestrians. However, both the police as well municipal authorities
are hell bent on preventing this from happening despite the fact that a special
bench of the High Court is monitoring its progress.
We are told, given the congestion in
Delhi, there is no space for NMV lanes or hawker zones. But the
authorities have no difficulty in finding space for 6-8 lane motorways even
though this has meant that the city is choking with petrol and diesel
Likewise the city governors can’t
find place for hawkers though they are bending themselves backward to earmark
huge tracts for car parking either free or at a nominal charge. Most
vendors take less space than what’s needed for a medium sized car and would gladly
pay the authorities 3-4 times the amount car owners pay for occupying prime
locations. The space occupied by a car becomes dead for all others
whereas street vendors create convenience for customers, generate their own
livelihood as well as social wealth by providing low cost outlets for farm
produce as well as low priced goods produced by small scale industry.
All first world cities have
pedestrianized city centers and encourage cycling by having safe dedicated NMV
tracks in order to reduce the use of motor vehicles. All Asian cities
like Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore have well organized hawker zones which
are huge tourist attraction. They all have wide and beautifully maintained
footpaths that make walking a pleasurable experience. By contrast, both
cycling and walking on Indian roads, in small town as well as big cities, is a
nightmarish experience because our government thinks only of motor vehicles
when designing roads. There is an active hostility towards those who
follow a non-polluting life style-either out of choice or compulsion. Is
it then any surprise that they very act of breathing in India has become a high
risk proposition?
First published in The Indian Express under the title Death by Breath: And malice towards the non-polluter, April 21, 2015,
First published in The Indian Express under the title Death by Breath: And malice towards the non-polluter, April 21, 2015,