The determination of criminal liability
requires precise evaluation of testimonies and careful analysis of each piece
of evidence. To conclude
the guilt of an accused, there must be concrete evidence “beyond reasonable
doubt”. But one can
hardly accuse Judge Yagnik of sticking to this maxim.
In the first part of this
analysis of the 2002 case against Maya Kodnani (read here),
I had questioned the one-sided approach of Judge Jyotsna Yagnik in handling her
case, which ended in a conviction and a 28-year jail sentence. In this part, I
am providing a few salient instances of how Yagnik, during the course of trial,
drew adverse inferences against Kodnani that did not convince one of her
One such case is that of
Siddiqbhai Allabax Mansuri (prosecution witness-236), who testified before the
court that Kodnani came in a Maruti car. This witness says that Kodnani arrived
at the scene of crime at 8.30 am or 9 am. As per his testimony, the mob started
reciting slogans of 'Jai Shri
Ram' after
seeing Kodnani. He further says that he saw Kodnani speaking to the mob, and
instructed her PA to take out weapons from the jeep and distribute them among
the mob (Pages 644-45).
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Jyotsna Yagnik visiting Naroda Patia before giving her judgement in 2002 riot case |
Yagnik herself acknowledges that
in the statement of the SIT (the Special Investigation Team appointed by the
Supreme Court of India to reinvestigate the 2002 crimes), there was no mention
of slogans of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ being
chanted. But the same has been stated by the witness in his deposition before
the court. In order to legitimise this testimony, which was critical for
implicating Kodnani, Yagnik justified this contradiction in the testimony of
the witness, claiming that the witness might not have mentioned this to the
SIT, but that the slogans were likely to have been shouted since that was “the
mental state or spirit of the day” (Para 7.13, Page 648).
At one point, she mentions that
mere oral evidence of the witness cannot be treated as completely dependable
evidence. Since the physical attributes and identity markers, etc., were not
mentioned by witnesses in the statements given to the SIT, she gives the
benefit of doubt to five accused persons. However, Kodnani’s PA was not even
named in the statements of the same witnesses given to the SIT. But he is not
given the benefit of the doubt on that ground. The reasoning given by Judge
Yagnik is that he was described as PA to Kodnani. To quote her: “This
description is a satisfying way to involve A-62 in the crime in the statement
of the SIT.”
However, the witness is not even
questioned as to how he knew that the person allegedly accompanying Kodnani on
that fateful morning was her PA. The judge seemed to believe that anyone
associated with her could be guilty by association. The formulation seemed to
be simple: “When in doubt, hold it against Kodnani.”
In several instances in the
judgement, Yagnik has ensured that Kodnani did not get the benefit of any
ambiguity or contradiction in the statements of witnesses. A case in point is
the testimony of Abdul Majid Mohammad Usman Shaikh. Regarding his testimony as
a whole, Yagnik takes a cautious approach in believing his statements and
rejects most of his depositions with these remarks: “There is nothing to doubt
the incidents but still as far as this witness is concerned, it is safe to
believe the incidents only if the incidents get support from some another PW
(prosecution witness)”. Yet, she seemed to accept all the allegations this
witness made against Kodnani (Page 672).
The judge’s willingness to prima facie accept Kodnani’s guilt is evident in many pages of the judgement. For example, Zuberkhan Islamkhan Pathan claimed that he saw Kodnani in the mob outside Natraj Hotel. He further said that the men of that mob were told by Kodnani, “You go ahead, I am with you” (Page 674). But was he close enough to Kodnani so as to be able to hear her words to the mob when he does not claim that she spoke on a loudspeaker. It is hard to believe that a person belonging to the Muslim community would dare go right to the middle of a 15,000-strong volatile mob that had allegedly assembled with the specific purpose of killing Muslims.
The judge’s willingness to prima facie accept Kodnani’s guilt is evident in many pages of the judgement. For example, Zuberkhan Islamkhan Pathan claimed that he saw Kodnani in the mob outside Natraj Hotel. He further said that the men of that mob were told by Kodnani, “You go ahead, I am with you” (Page 674). But was he close enough to Kodnani so as to be able to hear her words to the mob when he does not claim that she spoke on a loudspeaker. It is hard to believe that a person belonging to the Muslim community would dare go right to the middle of a 15,000-strong volatile mob that had allegedly assembled with the specific purpose of killing Muslims.
The witness could easily have
been tutored on two grounds: first, about the presence of Kodnani at the scene
of the crime; second, on a statement to the effect that she was provoking the
mob. Although, Judge Yagnik frequently resorts to the “principle of
probability' and natural behaviour” whenever they are convenient to 'establish'
the guilt of Kodnani, she fails to apply those very principles when dealing
with the veracity of testimonies against Kodnani. All those statements that put
a cloud of suspicion around the testimonies of witnesses against Kodnani are
simply shoved under the carpet.
At several points during the
trial, the witnesses provided enough evidence of being tutored to give doubtful
testimonies to mislead the court and falsely implicate Kodnani. For instance,
Judge Yagnik did question the veracity of the mobile phone call records of the
various accused submitted by the prosecution. In this regard, she court noted
the submission of the defence lawyer, Mr Kikani: “…there are discrepancies and
apparent contents which create reasonable doubts against the genuineness of the
document. This creates a reasonable doubt about the genuineness of the document
and this reasonable doubt is sufficient not to attach any value to the said
documentary evidence...”.
Even after instances of possible
fabrication were brought to the notice of the judge, she was not convinced that
Kodnani was the target of a malicious prosecution. Although, she did not accept
the prosecution’s version that the mobile records were not conclusive evidence
of proving a conspiracy, Judge Yagnik made the following observation – “… it is
notable that in the year 2002, mobile phone was quite popular and was freely
used as mode of communication. A-37 (Maya Kodnani), A-18 (Babu Bajrangi), A-62
(Kirpalsing Jangbahadursing Chhabda, the PA of Mayaben Kodnani), A-44 (Bipin
Autowala) etc. have been alleged to be in contact on mobile phone. None of them
have stated that they did not have mobile in 2002 and they had no telephonic
contact with the co-accused. This fact is a circumstance which can certainly be
considered when the hatching of criminal conspiracy stands proved against the
accused. Their agreement to do illegal acts cannot be without any communication
hence, it is inferred that they have communicated with one another since they
belong to the same group, same organisation working for 'Hindutva'.” (Page 799)
It is bizarre that the mere possession of mobile phones by all the accused is
seen as firm proof of their conspiracy and guilt.
When doubts over Kodnani’s guilt
remain strong, Judge Yagnik stretched the principle of probability in order to
draw adverse inferences against Kodnani. It is not uncommon for judges to
question the findings of the police because they are known to often act in a
partisan manner. But judicial discipline requires that the judge does not do so
in a selective manner. For example, when Judge Yagnik does not have real
evidence of Kodnani having interfered with the police investigation, she lets
her imagination fill in the blanks. To quote her, “This court is not sitting in
an ivory tower and is conscious to the hard realities of the system. In the
system, normally if the police officer knows the desire of the political leader
the police would not leave a single stone unturned to give all colours to such
desire.” (Page 530)
The judge, as we saw in Part 1 of
this story, ignored concrete material evidence in the form of video recordings,
which show Kodnani’s presence far away from the site of massacre at the
relevant times.
Moreover, Judge Yagnik did not
find the need to prove or seek evidence that Kodnani had a “desire” to set her
own neighbourhood on fire and see her own clients/patients murdered in cold
There is an unstated assumption
that one can know the mind and heart of Kodnani simply because as a Bharatiya
Janata Party MLA she couldn’t be anything but a monster. Had Yagnik not been
driven by own predilections, as a citizen of Ahmedabad she would have known
that after Godhra train fire killed 60 karsevaks,
people of her state forgot their political affiliations. Congressmen joined the
murderous mobs with as much fury as did BJP workers, as did apolitical
citizens. The mob fury unleashed during that period cut across party lines.
On Page 725 of the judgement,
Judge Yagnik presents a very strange tale of causation. She notes that “The
police officer has very specifically stated that the active leaders were
instigating the mobs.” She further states that the MLA of any area is bound to
be an active leader. [Even this is not always true. Plenty of MLAs neglect
their constituencies and some even act responsibly]. In the very next line, she
says, “Now, if she cannot be termed to be an active leader of the BJP and that
too in Naroda constituency, then who else can be called the leader of BJP in
that area? It can therefore, be inferred that A-37 was present at the site.”
Even if she was present at the
site, she could well have come to pacify the mob. But such questions and
probabilities are irrelevant to Yagnik for the simple reason that Kodnani
belongs to the BJP. (Yagnik’s antecedents were Congress before she joined the
judiciary.) Therefore, she jumps to the next firm conclusion: “Therefore, it
can be safely inferred that A-37 (Maya Kodnani) was instigating the mob that
too in the morning hours at the site of the offence but, the police has made
conscious efforts to screen her presence.”
For an elected leader to be
actively involved in the lives of the people of her constituency does not offer
conclusive proof that she would want mayhem and murderous mobs to run amok
there. By this logic, every MLA, whether of BJP or Congress, should have been
ipso facto declared guilty of instigating every incident of violence that took
place in their respective constituencies. Why even bother to conduct a trial
when the judge is so sure about what an MLA would have done?
Judge Yagnik repeatedly
reiterates that Kodnani was a public figure known to everyone in the area and
hence the witness's identification cannot be disputed. But the same inference
and logic can be extended to question as to why a public figure would come out
openly before an inflamed mob and openly distribute weapons at such an
explosive time? If she were indeed inclined to encourage mayhem, would it not
have been safer and saner for her to supply weapons from the safety of her own
home in the vicinity of the killing fields?
The determination of criminal
liability requires precise evaluation of testimonies and careful analysis of each
piece of evidence. To conclude the guilt of an accused, there must be concrete
evidence “beyond reasonable doubt”. But one can hardly accuse Judge Yagnik of
sticking to this maxim.
To provide another instance among
the many available in the 1,969-page judgement, on the one hand, Yagnik herself
states that the mob was already in such a mood that if Kodnani had attempted to
pacify them, she would have been attacked. Yet, she declares Kodnani to be the
‘kingpin of the riots’ and describes her role to be ‘provoking, instigating and
boosting up the mob’. Even after accepting the fact that the mob was already
enraged (Page 703), Judge Yagnik concludes that it was Kodnani who instigated
the rioters. On page 1,813, Yagnik further contradicts herself by saying that
the “mob did not have the courage” to start the riots until Kodnani arrived
there even after having stated earlier that the mob was already enraged.
Another clear case of
contradiction appears when Yagnik states: “...A-37 (Kodnani) being an MLA of
the area, it does not sound to be probable that A-37 moved publicly possessing
firearm, that too on such a day where media, cameraman, channels, etc, are
bound to be present there...”. But this did not stop the judge from accepting
the testimonies which suggested that the violence started only after Kodnani
arrived at the crime scene and instigated the mobs.
Judge Yagnik’s hand is again
visible on page 703. She assumes that Kodnani had big political ‘ambitions’.
Therefore, that must have been a sufficient motivating factor playing the role
of a kingpin in the riots. “...A-37 was the then current MLA, hence it can be
inferred that she must have ambition to go ahead in politics and she cannot
leave the temptation of taking political mileage by being kingpin in the series
of events that took place on that day...”.
Due to this presumption against
Kodnani, Judge Yagnik violated a cardinal principle of criminal jurisprudence,
which states that if there are two views possible while analysing
circumstantial evidence, one pointing towards the guilt of the accused and the
other to her innocence, the court should take the view which is favourable to
the accused.
First posted at on September 5, 2017(
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